6 Signs Of An Abscessed Tooth
An abscess is an accumulation of pus that builds up inside of your teeth or gums due to a bacterial infection. The presence of pus is actually a buildup of dead white blood cells from the immune response caused by the infection. When pus accumulates in an enclosed area, such as a tooth, an abscess forms. A dental abscess is considered a dental emergency. If you develop an abscessed tooth, you will need to get treatment at a place like Peak Family Dentistry & Orthodontics as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading or worsening.
What's The Fix For Lower Denture Problems?
Wearing dentures shouldn't be uncomfortable or inconvenient for you. You should be able to put your dentures in early in the morning and go the entire day without any issues. Unfortunately, lower dentures can make wearing dentures less than comfortable. Why is the lower denture problematic while the top denture is not?
Problems While Chewing
Since the lower denture only has the ridge to support it, it is more difficult to keep in place.
Signs You Have A Cavity
Cavities are one of the most common types of dental problems. They are simply tooth decay in its early stages. The good news is that if you catch a cavity early enough and get it filled by a dentist, you can avoid further decay of the tooth. Ignoring or not noticing a cavity can eventually lead to so much decay that you would have to have the tooth pulled or that it would, quite literally, rot out of your mouth!
How Braces Correct Overbites When A Child Is Congenitally Missing Some Teeth
When a child is born without congenitally missing teeth, it means that he or she is missing one or more permanent teeth. When certain baby fall out, there will be nothing to replace them; however, orthodontics can often help. This is especially true if the teeth are missing on the upper jaw and if the child has an overbite.
How is an overbite corrected with braces?
Braces are not only designed to straighten teeth, but they can also assist in correcting problems with a person's bite.
3 Things You Need To Know About Getting Dental Implants
Proper dental maintenance is important so you can keep all of your natural teeth. However, even if you try your best to take care of your teeth, you can still end up needing one or more extracted. Whenever a tooth towards the front of the mouth is extracted, many people opt to get dental implants so no one knows they are missing those particular teeth. Here are three things you need to know about getting dental implants.
Irritated Bump On Your Gums? It Could Be A Cold Sore
If you have a persistent, painful bump on your gumline that won't go away, even with thorough tooth brushing and flossing habits, the cause might surprise you. While many disorders of the gums can be caused by poor dental hygiene, one potential cause for a painful bump on your gums that doesn't respond to good dental hygiene habits is a cold sore.
Despite their name, cold sores have nothing to do with cold temperatures.
Unsecured Vs Implant-Retained Dentures
Unsecured or traditional dentures have been in use for decades, helping patients with missing teeth regain their tooth function and aesthetics, and reduce damage to their remaining teeth. Unfortunately, unsecured dentures are only held in place by the natural suction of the gums or clasps of the teeth, which makes them prone to coming off.
Unsecured dentures can be especially problematic when eating, speaking, or laughing, as they can sometimes slip or loose suction.
Dental Abscess Overview, Causes And Prevention
A dental abscess is an infection of your face, jaw, mouth or throat that starts out as a cavity or tooth infection. An abscess can be very painful if not treated, and you may not even realize you have one until you start to experience pain and discomfort. This article will give you an overview on why you may have an abscess, and what you can do to prevent one in the future.
2 Common Techniques Used In Cosmetic Dentistry
The world of dentistry has been advancing at a rapid pace. And while by and large that's a great thing, it has also made it difficult to keep up with all of the dental techniques used today. If you would like to learn more about the field of cosmetic dentistry, read on. This article will introduce you to three common techniques used to help make your teeth look their best.
3 Ways To Treat Aching Teeth In The Winter
if you have sensitive teeth, the cold air of winter can cause searing pain in your mouth every time you try to take a breath while you are outside during the winter. The pain can be debilitating and make it so you want to stay indoors, but that usually isn't practical if you need to go to work or the grocery store. You do have some options you can use to help combat the cold getting to your teeth and causing problems.