4 Dental Procedure That Can Transform Your Smile

A bright, straight smile is considered very desirable by many, but few people are born with perfect teeth. Luckily, there are a number of dental procedures available that can fix a number of issues and leave you with the teeth that you have always wanted. Consider the following procedures to take care of any smile problems that you may have: Teeth Whitening A dull, discolored smile can make you feel self conscious about your teeth. [Read More]

Periodontal Disease: 4 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Symptoms And Speed Healing

Periodontal disease is a very serious condition that requires care. If you have periodontal disease, you might be wondering how you can treat it. Although treatment for this condition might seem difficult, it's actually quite easy. By implementing these four tips into your routine, you'll be able to treat and manage the symptoms of periodontal disease: 1. Quit Smoking Smoking greatly increases the likelihood that you'll develop periodontal disease. In addition, it often makes it easier for bacteria to enter the gums due to the inflammation. [Read More]

Four Tips For Protecting Your Toddler's Teeth

Your toddler will only have his or her baby teeth for a few years, but that doesn't mean it's not important to take care of them. The baby teeth need to be healthy in order for your child to eat and speak properly – and once your child's adult teeth start emerging, the baby teeth will help ensure they erupt in the proper place. Follow these tips to protect your little one's teeth from damage and decay. [Read More]

Tactics To Use If Your Child Sucks His Or Her Thumb

Many children suck their thumbs during certain stages of life, and occasional thumb sucking might not concern the pediatric dentist that you visit. However, some children who adopt this habit can do so to the point of harming their teeth, as the prolonged pressure placed on the upper teeth by the thumb can actually shift the alignment of the teeth. If you're slightly concerned that your child is sucking his or her thumb too much, it's important to discuss the issue at the next checkup or even call the dentist, like Bellasera Family Dentistry, between checkups to talk about strategies you can adopt to curb the habit. [Read More]