Who Is A Good Candidate For Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They are durable because the titanium implant fuses to the jawbone and uses it for support. If you would like to know more about dental implants and if you're a good candidate, keep reading.

You Need them and Can Afford the Implant  

Before you get implants, you'll need to make sure you need them from missing teeth or severely decayed/damaged teeth. Missing teeth may also result from trauma and poor gum health. You'll also need to ensure you can afford the implant, which costs about $2,400 to $3,000 for a single implant.

Implant dentures and implant bridges can also be used to replace multiple teeth, but they cost more. Similarly, the price increases if you need additional services. If you can't afford implants, consider asking about more affordable options: traditional bridges and dentures.

You Have Healthy Gums and Jawbone         

Other procedures that can affect the price include gum grafts, gum flap surgery, and bone grafts. You need healthy gums and a strong jawbone to support the implant. Poor oral hygiene, gum disease, and tooth loss can affect the health of your gums and jawbone. However, grafting procedures add tissue to the desired location.

Gum flap surgery gives dentists the ability to fully clean the tooth roots. They also reposition the gums to remove large pockets or gaps between the teeth and gums. These gaps are perfect hiding spots for plaque and bacteria. If you have gum disease, work with your dentist to treat the infection and any complications (gum recession/bone loss).

You Have a Good Oral Health Regiment

To reduce the risk of complications after surgery, you need to make sure you have a healthy oral hygiene regimen, including brushing and flossing. The implant can't rot or decay, and there is no pulp to get infected. However, gum irritation and infection may cause gum disease around the implant, increasing the risk of failure.

If you care for the implant, it can also benefit your jawbone. Because the bone fuses to the titanium, it stimulates it, keeping the jawbone strong. This reduces the risk of jawbone atrophy and tooth loss in the future.

Dental implants are a great option if you have missing teeth. In addition, because the bone fuses to the titanium implant, they help stimulate the jawbone to keep it strong. If you would like to know more, contact a dentist in your area.  
