Having a Dental Emergency? Pro Tips and Guidelines

Dental emergencies typically come with bleeding, pain, and panic. It might be hard to think straight and decide how to resolve such a situation. However, it is always advisable to have a competent dentist you can call when you have an emergency. This is not your regular dentist because you will not need an appointment to see one to resolve your situation. Keep reading to learn some common dental emergencies and some guidelines for handling them. 

When You Have an Infected Tooth

You might have an infected tooth and ignore the pain for some time. Most people take painkillers for mild tooth pain and hope it will disappear. However, an infection usually worsens with time, which increases your pain. You should contact the dentist if you are experiencing intense pain inside the tooth, gums, or jaw. They will help you by opening the cavity and removing the sick tissue. They will complete the treatment by sealing the tooth to ensure that bacteria do not get to the soft tissue again. 

Bleeding Teeth and Gums

Various things can lead to bleeding teeth and gums. The first could be a result of trauma to the mouth. For example, you might knock out a tooth or hurt the gum during a sports event or after an accident. Try some first aid to stop the bleeding, and then call the family dentist for proper dental health care. However, if you notice that your gums bleed after brushing your teeth, it could indicate that you have gingivitis. The dentist will help you by creating an oral health care plan that stops the damage and restores the condition of your gums. 

Broken or Dislocated Jaw

A broken or dislocated jaw comes with unbearable pain. You can try and take over-the-counter medication to bear with the immediate pain after the accident. However, you should see the dentist as soon as possible. They will sedate you to reset the dislocated jaw. If you have a broken jaw, the remedy is getting your face in a cast and allowing it to heal. 

Sores in the Mouth

Sores might seem like a minor dental health issue. However, they can fester and become a serious source of pain. Contact the emergency dentist and get a permanent solution for them.

These are some common dental emergencies you might have to handle. Ensure you speak with an emergency family dentist close to you so they can help you resolve the pain.  
