Spontaneous Bleeding Gums: Causes And Treatments

Most everyone has had an episode of bleeding gums when getting a dental examination or teeth cleaning with sharp or probing instruments or when brushing and flossing their teeth. This type of bleeding is usually mild and stops after a minute or so. Conversely, spontaneous bleeding of the gums happens for no reason or from very light provocation. If you develop spontaneous gum bleeding, visit a dentistry practice for a complete checkup. Here are some causes of spontaneous bleeding gums and possible treatment options.

Causes Of Spontaneous Bleeding Gums

One of the most common causes of spontaneous bleeding gums is anticoagulant use. Anticoagulants are used to lower the risk for strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks. Aspirin is also considered an anticoagulant and it can also cause your gums to bleed for no reason. Other causes may include anemia and thrombocytopenia, which is a blood platelet disorder that refers to a low platelet count.

When your blood platelets are too low, your blood will not clot normally, resulting in abnormal bleeding and excessive bruising. Gingival hyperplasia is an extreme type of gum disease and its symptoms include very red and inflamed gums. The gum tissue in people with gingival hyperplasia often grows in between their teeth and under the gum line. Gingival hyperplasia is sometimes caused by anti-seizure medication and it may also raise the risk for spontaneous bleeding gums.

Treatments For Spontaneous Gum Bleeding

Your family dentistry professional will recommend a treatment option for your bleeding gums depending upon the cause. For example, if your gums are bleeding as a result of anticoagulant drugs or aspirin, your dentist may contact your physician to discuss a decrease in dosage. It is important to note, that while anticoagulants can cause spontaneous oral bleeding, you should never stop taking them unless you receive approval from the prescribing physician.

If your gingival hyperplasia is making your gums bleed out of the blue, a deep cleaning treatment called scaling and root planing may help heal your gum tissue so that they stop bleeding. Gingival hyperplasia can also cause severe oral bacterial infections that can further raise the risk of bleeding gums. If you have an oral infection, your dentist may prescribe a course of antibiotics. 

If your gums bleed for no reason, make an appointment with both your dentist and primary care physician. When spontaneous bleeding gums are recognized and appropriately treated, you may be less likely to develop complications such as heavy blood loss and self-confidence problems when out in public.
