4 Questions About Sedation Dentistry Answered

If you're avoiding visiting a dentist because of anxiety, you are not alone. The mere thought of a dental appointment can be frightening for most people. Sedation dentistry offers patients the opportunity to receive pain-free dental treatment under controlled sedation administered through an intravenous injection or oral drug. There are several sedation techniques that a dentist uses to reduce anxiety and relieve tension.

Here are 4 questions about sedation dentistry answered. 

1. Who Is the Right Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

A dental appointment is critical for your oral and overall health since it can affect the quality of life. If you suffer from dental anxiety, which can lead to missed dental appointments, then you're the right candidate for sedation dentistry. Dentists also recommend sedation treatment for small children who fear injections and are afraid of prickles and pain. 

2. Will You Be Fully Awake?

Sedation dentistry involves immersing the patient into a full state of relaxation but doesn't render you unconscious. It means that you can have limited interaction during the treatment but will retain a little memory of the happenings during the procedure. Since it doesn't involve general anesthesia, you can stay awake, however, due to the relaxation effect, some people may sleep in the course of the treatment. 

3. What Are the Side Effects of the Treatment?

When administered orally, the drug effect can take one to two hours to wear off. It doesn't require hospitalization but it's essential to have someone accompany you during the treatment. Some treatment techniques such as surgery may require intravenous sedation more so if you have a severe phobia. There are no side effects of the treatment, the effects of an injection wear off quickly, and it's more controllable. You can contact your doctor if the effects of the sedation treatment prolong. However, you may have other side effects due to the dental condition you're being treated for, but not because of the sedation.

4. What Should You Expect During the Treatment?

Before the treatment, your doctor evaluates your medical history to rule out any underlying condition and recommend the best treatment option. Depending on the severity of your dental anxiety condition, your dentist may suggest oral administration or intravenous injection. The health care staff ensures you're comfortable and may engage you in a conversation to ease your anxiety. After a few minutes, your dental procedure commences and the duration depends on the condition being treated.

The thought of a dental appointment can range from mild anxiety to severe trauma. However, neglecting your oral health can damage your teeth and affect your overall health. Contact a sedation dentistry professional today and start your treatment journey.
