Lost and dislodged adult teeth are one of the most common dental emergencies. There are many things that could cause you to unexpectedly lose an adult tooth, such as trauma to the mouth. Should this dental emergency happen to you, knowing what to do could be the difference between saving your tooth and needing a dental implant to replace it.
Collect the Tooth, If Possible
First of all, if you can locate and collect the lost tooth, do so as soon as possible.
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Can Smokers Get Dental Implants?
Can smokers get dental implants? Unfortunately the answer to this question is "it depends." If you've been smoking for a very long time and have no intention of kicking the habit, then you are more likely to have implant failure. One study by the NCBI showed that five years after implantation, those who smoked were twice as likely to have failed implants compared to non-smokers.
The good news is that implant technology has improved significantly over the years, so it is viable for you if you consult with your dentist, someone from a place like Renovo Endodontic Studio, and are willing to make some changes.
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3 Reasons You Should Not Ignore Toothache Pain
If you are suffering right now from toothache and are hoping that it goes away on its own, you should realize that it probably will not. When you experience a toothache, it is typically a sign of a problem. Here are three reasons you should seek help for a toothache instead of trying to ignore the pain.
It will not usually go away on its own
Toothache pain is one of the worst types of pain you can experience, and it can be hard to eliminate even with pain killers.
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Flap Surgery: Dental Care Designed to Save Your Gums from Periodontal Disease
Millions of Americans suffer from periodontal disease. You will know if you are infected because your gums will become sore and inflamed. As the disease progresses, your gums will start to bleed and deteriorate. Your case can become so severe that your dentist will send you to a periodontist who specializes in treating gum disease. A technique the periodontist can perform is a procedure called flap surgery. Flap surgery is used to get to the roots of your teeth so the periodontist can remove the tartar and plaque that is causing the gum inflammation.
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